Material passage diagram of vertical opener machine

Objective of vertical opener machine:

  1. To unfold cotton tuft.
  2. To pull out impurities.

Main Parts & their functions:

  1. Feed Trunk.
  2. Disk.
  3. Striker.
  4. Grid
  5. Delivery Trunk

Their functions:

  1. Feed trunk: Input of vertical opener gives here.
  2. Disk: It’s performed such as a beater.
  3. Striker: It beats the cotton fiber in a vertical fashion.
  4. Grid bar: The impurities of cotton fibers are separated from the clean fiber back through these bars.
  5. Delivery trunk: Output of vertical opener is collected from here.

Working Principle of Step Cleaner Machine:

The cotton tuft falls into the feed trunk


The disk helps to unfold the tuft.


Vertical beater and striker beats the cotton fiber in vertical fashion.It consists of 51 teeth


And then impurities go to the wastage box.

So, the output of the vertical opener machine is ready to send the next process.

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